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Current images

Results 5944 - 5911 von 5911 found image(s)

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Current texts

Results 16 - 24 von 1547 found press release(s)


“We are very honored to receive this recognition of our long-standing commitment to protecting the marine environment and reducing emissions. Together with the Meyer Werft shipyard in Papenburg we more...
42.3 KiB


AIDA Cruises wird bereits 2021 als weltweit erste Kreuzfahrtreederei im Rahmen des Forschungsprojektes „Pa-X-ell2“ an Bord von <link - Extern>AIDAnova</ more...
1.14 MiB


As early as 2021, AIDA Cruises will be the world’s first cruise company to test the use of fuel cells on a large passenger ship as part of the “Pa-X-ell2” research project on board of AIDAnova more...
1.05 MiB


Mit Alexander Ewig wird ab 1. September 2019 ein internationaler Marketing- &amp; Digitalexperte als neuer Senior Vice President Marketing das Führungsteam von AIDA Cruises verstärken.<br />In more...
40.26 KiB


With Alexander Ewig, an international marketing &amp; digital expert is joining AIDA Cruises’ management team starting on September 1, 2019.<br />In this position, he will be responsible for the more...
40.13 KiB


Michael Thamm, Group CEO Costa Group and Carnival Asia said: &quot;Our goal is the emissions-neutral ship operation. The electrification of our ships is another important milestone on this path. more...
42.04 KiB


Mit der Eröffnung der ersten aus Spendengeldern gebauten AIDA Schule auf den Philippinen im Frühjahr 2019 startete die Initiative AIDA Cruise &amp; Help mit der Umsetzung ihres ersten Hilfsprojektes more...
179.3 KiB


With the opening of the first AIDA school in the Philippines in the spring of 2019, the initiative AIDA Cruise &amp; Help launched its first aid project. Now, AIDA and its partner, the Reiner Meutsch more...
179.05 KiB

Current images

Results 5944 - 5911 von 5911 found image(s)

No match found

Current texts

Results 16 - 24 von 1547 found press release(s)


“We are very honored to receive this recognition of our long-standing commitment to protecting the marine environment and reducing emissions. Together with the Meyer Werft shipyard in Papenburg we more...
42.3 KiB


AIDA Cruises wird bereits 2021 als weltweit erste Kreuzfahrtreederei im Rahmen des Forschungsprojektes „Pa-X-ell2“ an Bord von <link - Extern>AIDAnova</ more...
1.14 MiB


As early as 2021, AIDA Cruises will be the world’s first cruise company to test the use of fuel cells on a large passenger ship as part of the “Pa-X-ell2” research project on board of AIDAnova more...
1.05 MiB


Mit Alexander Ewig wird ab 1. September 2019 ein internationaler Marketing- &amp; Digitalexperte als neuer Senior Vice President Marketing das Führungsteam von AIDA Cruises verstärken.<br />In more...
40.26 KiB


With Alexander Ewig, an international marketing &amp; digital expert is joining AIDA Cruises’ management team starting on September 1, 2019.<br />In this position, he will be responsible for the more...
40.13 KiB


Michael Thamm, Group CEO Costa Group and Carnival Asia said: &quot;Our goal is the emissions-neutral ship operation. The electrification of our ships is another important milestone on this path. more...
42.04 KiB


Mit der Eröffnung der ersten aus Spendengeldern gebauten AIDA Schule auf den Philippinen im Frühjahr 2019 startete die Initiative AIDA Cruise &amp; Help mit der Umsetzung ihres ersten Hilfsprojektes more...
179.3 KiB


With the opening of the first AIDA school in the Philippines in the spring of 2019, the initiative AIDA Cruise &amp; Help launched its first aid project. Now, AIDA and its partner, the Reiner Meutsch more...
179.05 KiB
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